Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

In the last couple of years I have acquired three of these lamps, on auctions and on Amazon UK when on sale. So the three of them together have barely reached the £30 mark. I have to say. I am really impressed with these. Good flow and a good time before over heating.

I own two of the 'Torpedo' Lamps (one red and clear, and one blue and clear) one of the 'Twist' lamps, (clear and blue) I have even witnessed the Twist lamp almost Snake on occasion.

I am posting because they were everywhere at one time and now they are vanishing. A prime example of a good flow from a china manufactured lamp!!


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They’re not a bad design (Torpedo) and as long as they are clear, flow well and don’t fail within a few weeks then they offer good value for money and are a good entry level lamp.

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