Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

One of my globes (Mathmos) is turning quite faded and I'd been pondering trying to refresh the colour of the master fluid a bit.  I've seen the odd post about people using food colouring (not great) and printer ink (better) to top up fading master fluid colours.

I've recently also been looking into building a new PC and it occurred to me, perhaps the dyes designed for liquid cooling systems may be a good choice for lava lamps?  They have UV reactive dyes as well as normal and "no-stain" (they come with a caveat about being mixed with other dye types though, so may not actually be "no stain" in lava lamps), but they may offer some interesting options for those who are looking in to creating more customised globes.  They will still fade like normal dyes do, but the small bottles of dye seem quite inexpensive (£4-5 for 15ml) and could provide a quick and easy "top up" option?


Has anyone tried these?  I'm tempted to have a go on an old faded astrobaby bottle that has been ignored in a box for yonks

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