Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We have a contractor from the UK working with our group.  He works two weeks in the States and one week back in Britain.  Guess what I did?

That's right, I bought 2 Mathmos Anniversary Lamps from the UK Mathmos website, had them shipped to his office in the UK, and he brought them back in his luggage when he returned to Austin last week!

One for me and one for my dear friend, Libby (aka Marley).  :>)

They are really high quality lamps.  Beautiful packaging, gorgeous bases and caps, perfect glass globes with Mathmos 50th anniversary etching on the back of the glass.  Crystal clear with the most striking red wax that I've ever seen.  Christine has even personally signed a card enclosed with them.  Libby and I are the proud owners of number 285 and 286.  There are only 500 of these beauties, and we got two of them!

Quite simply, these are the finest lava lamps I have ever seen!

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you really want someone to buy you a lamp, don't you!? 

Joanne said:

Just remember if you ever need a 'baby' sitter LMAO

LOL Lamps as gifts are always heart warming ! And brighten the day !!

and being single means no lava lamps under my tree lol

( thats why i MADE a green lava lamp to use for a tree haha ) 

Brad said:

you really want someone to buy you a lamp, don't you!? 

Joanne said:

Just remember if you ever need a 'baby' sitter LMAO

I tried to buy one of these lamps, but they won't ship to the US

They look Awesome !

I just turned mine on, Todd, and they really are awesome.  The base/cap are so lovely and built like a tank, the globe is "perfect," but the real red color of the wax will knock your socks off.   I wouldn't have had one ever, had it not been for Kirk's co-worker literally carrying them back from the UK in his luggage for us.  So I owe Kirk the glory!!   ;-)    My pics I posted of mine do NOT do justice to the color.  All my reds look "pink" in pics.  But one of the above lamps is mine, so you can see it better in Kirk's pic.
Todd Miller said:

I tried to buy one of these lamps, but they won't ship to the US

They look Awesome !

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