Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My Aduki lights batteries don´t charge anymore. Can they be fixed or replaced?

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Not sure about the Aduki batteries, but Mathmos did confirm that the Bump lamps do not have replacement batteries. Once it's dead, it's dead. I'll bet it's the same...

You are right. I wrote Mathmos and replied saying that they are sealed units and there´s nothing to do...

Kelly said:

Not sure about the Aduki batteries, but Mathmos did confirm that the Bump lamps do not have replacement batteries. Once it's dead, it's dead. I'll bet it's the same...

julian rafalko said:

You are right. I wrote Mathmos and they replied saying that Aduki are sealed units and there´s nothing to do...

Kelly said:

Not sure about the Aduki batteries, but Mathmos did confirm that the Bump lamps do not have replacement batteries. Once it's dead, it's dead. I'll bet it's the same...

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