Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Aye i was wondering how much a purple fireflow will cost? If anyones selling it tell me pls thanks!

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Don't buy one!

I bought one, it was cloudy. Returned it.

I bought another one: cloudy too.

I filtered it, then I had issues with wax stickying on the side of the bottle.

when I tried to fix it, my coffe filter broke and I lost all the wax in the sink :-(

I still have a pink and a Turquoise Fireflow, both working perfectly.

I guess Mathmos stop selling the Purple bottle because of cloudy issues...

Not all clear/purples were bad, so your best bet is finding one who owns a known clear one and convincing them to sell.  Mine is clear as can be, but alas, not willing to sell mine.  Purple one is far right in the first pic.

I'm glad to see your is ok.

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