Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Mathmos Herritage Bottles Don't Work with a Polished Base!?

Hey guys,
I just tried to buy a turquoise astro replacement bottle with a polished silver stand and a polished silver cap on the Mathmos site. They emailed me back saying that the bottle is not suitable for the stand. What the heck? Is there a real difference in the heritage stand and the polished stand? I thought they were just different in terms of finishing Color no? Can someone clear this up for me? I am trying to cancel my order and just order a turquoise bottle with a black base; that is their heritage option. There is not an explanation as to why the polished base doesn't work with the turquoise, plum, or pink and clear bottle. Can anyone explain to me why they don't work with the polished silver base please?
Does anyone reading this have a Mathmos turquoise astro I could buy please?

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Wow I had no idea that they offered that service. How would I go about asking them to make a clear/white? Just shoot them an email? I didn't see anything on their website so do I just email them?

Arne said:
mathmos does offer to make custom bottles but its expensive and white does always become yellowish very quickly. I have very rarely seen a true white which lasted.

I use a astro base (matt silver form the 90s I think) with a heritage clear and turquise bottle. It over heats in about 3 to 4 hours with a 40w spot bulb, but it work perfectly with a 30w spot bulb and doesnt overheat even if you leave it on all night. Its take 2 hours exactly to start flowing. 
Kaia1165 said:

The new chrome Astro uses a 35w halogen lamp. The old astro uses a 40w halogen lamp. if you put a 40w halogen lamp in the heritage bases with a normal (non heritage) bottle it will flow correctly. The heritage bases take more heat than the regular bases, so they make the fluid different to compensate. Just use a hotter bulb.

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