Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone re-wired a Mathomos Jet?

I've got a plug converter (this kind: http://www.amazon.com/International-Power-Adapter-Plug-Converter/dp...) and I was just going to plug it in, but I dropped the base and the bulb doesn't work now.

If I re-wire, how does the base come out? I see there are two clips on the underside holding the socket it, but it looks like those would break if I tried to take it out that way.

If I want to just keep it as-is, where in the US would I get bulbs for this? And if I re-wire for the US, what wattage bulb would I run?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

I want to run this lamp but can't!!!

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Thanks Shawn. I'll give it a shot. If I do re-wire, what bulb do I use?
So if I re-wire for the US (new wire AND socket), I'll still need to use 30W?

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I get usually get these http://www.lightbulbemporium.com/satco_s3396_40r14.asp since they are much cheaper than the 30 watt ones, and you just can put it on a dimmer.

I've used similar bulbs like that, with a universal plug adapter.
Only thing I can remember (so long ago) was the neck is longer and may sit to close to the globe.

The Universal adapter was something like this.
Which Jet's are we talking about?

The more modern plastic jets can be rewired very easily with a few parts from home depot.
The older baklite jets have to be disassembled more. I've never done one of those.
It's one of the plastic Jets. You know, I really wanted to put US bulbs in it...not just re-wire. So wouldn't a new socket be needed to accept US bulbs? I don't mind using the adapter, it's the European bulbs that are a pain.
The Specialty SATCO bulbs use the euro base. Then all you need is a $5.00 adapter for the plug and it will work.

To use the other US style bulbs, you need to rewire and use a US Socket.
I used to do it with a few parts from home depot at the lamp section.
Some large brass washers, an extentiob tube, a few lamp nuts and a lamp wire.
It's about 30-60 minute job.
Then you use one of the shorty bulbs.
I'll try and go in my lamp parts box and see if I can identify the parts.
Lamphead provided a pictorial/tutorial once before and it helped a great deal. I used that only I used the larger brass washers instead of the lamp brackets.

I think I used something like this.
Thanks Rob. I appreciate the help. I already have the adapter. I might as well just get some bulbs and be done with it. I think that's the path of least resistance. I re-wired my French glitter awhile back and it was super easy. I'm guessing this would take more work.

Erin said:
Thanks Rob. I appreciate the help. I already have the adapter. I might as well just get some bulbs and be done with it. I think that's the path of least resistance. I re-wired my French glitter awhile back and it was super easy. I'm guessing this would take more work.

Rewiring mathmos lamps are a pain but it can be done. Here is the way I did my fluidium as well as my girlfriends jet and astrobaby. First you need a keyless socket kit. If you can find a hardware store that sells the pieces individually it will be cheaper. I had to find my stuff at a family owned store, the big name stores dont sell these pieces individually. I put a red box around the pieces you need.

You also need to get an intermediate socket. I think that the sockets that come in those kits only come in medium sizes. And finally you will need a cord with a switch. I got mine pre-made so I did not have to put a switch on the cord. All of this stuff cost me less than $15.

The only downside to this method is you have to file away the round piece that goes into the clips or it wont fit. Fluidiums have a removable socket holder so its easy to take it out, jets arent built the same way.

Since my rings were a little wobbly I put some dabs of hot glue around them to keep them in place. The glue doesnt get hot enough to melt and it is removable so it causes no damage to the lamp. Also my light sockets came with wires so I cut them off and soldered the cable directly to the socket.

Anyways this is going to be a lot tougher than what you had to do with your glitter lamp so expect problems! I bought a candelabra socket at first, this isnt the same as an intermediate socket... 40 watt bulbs are too hot for mathmos lamps so you will have to find 30 watt R20 reflector bulbs or use a dimmer. Even with all of these issues and added costs I am prefer being able to plug my lamps directly into the wall.

Autumn, thanks for the help!

Right now I have the base out and am trying to remove the wires. Where exactly is the clamp or whatever to release them?

Also, to get 2 bulbs shipped (30w euro) from bulbman is going to be $22. :(

Erin said:

Autumn, thanks for the help!

Right now I have the base out and am trying to remove the wires. Where exactly is the clamp or whatever to release them?

The clamps are what hold the light fixture to the base. You have already removed that. Why are you trying to release the wires? I had to remove the wires on the pyramid I got from the london and the only way I was able to do it was to rip them from the socket. One wire came out fine but I broke the other wire.

You should try to get in contact with me on the chat tonight and I will be able to help you.

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