Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

If you could, which one would you choose and why?

The Magma is larger and seems to have some custom goo available, but Mathmos may have better support and long term market presence.

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With this amount of money (about £3000 for the Monster!) I would made my own custom one!

Mathmos is selling the refill pack for a little more than £400.

You still have £2600 to build a custom base, glass and top.

More than enough!

I would go for a Mathmos monster, allthough the magma tower is bigger and could have more options I think the Mathmos monster looks better and probably flows better. 

Yes, Tim your right, it is ultimately about the flow...if you have mega-wallet.

Yes, I'd like to build one myself. I'm surprised there is not some kinda giant lamp mail order kit available for around the $1000.

Who needs a kit?

Find a local metal worker to build you the base and cap, a glass seller for the tube, and order the Mathmos refill kit.

No way you could do it for $1000, but we talked about £3000 first.

With this budget it is possible to have a unique custom giant lamp.

Hmmm, not sure if most are comfortable with a vase that large out or glass...it would be a hazard if it broke.  Now it looks like the Colossus is available again for $700 w/shipping.  A tested design out of borosilicate.

Astralav said:

Who needs a kit?

Find a local metal worker to build you the base and cap, a glass seller for the tube, and order the Mathmos refill kit.

No way you could do it for $1000, but we talked about £3000 first.

With this budget it is possible to have a unique custom giant lamp.

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