Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

OK, So, I was sitting looking at a Chinese lava world lamp, and was thinking what a waste of money.. blah blah, and then I thought how nice the lamp would look if it flowed more like a Mathmos lamp instead of just a few balls going up and down before overheating? I don't have a capper and I cant be bothered pissing about with salt etc.. so I thought about just putting in a few tiny drops of hand wash in it through a pin hole in the top of the cap...I rarely use the lamp anyway... so i did!

Its flowing all gloopy and not unlike a Mathmos lamp, even shows some snaking action! I have cooled it down and ran it 3 times so far, it does not show signs of clouding and because of the gloopyness where the balls would just hang up the top, they are now sliding round each other.

will try it for another few days and then post a vid, I have covered the pin hole with duct tape and it seems to ave done the job, might invest in a capper and try it with my other lava world lamps if this holds up!

I used pears hand wash and that was all.

Anyone else just tried this, had any success?

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Like an idiot I decided to use more hand soap now its a snaking mad lamp, still a damn sight more interesting to watch than it was tho. has spurred me to experiment more with some of my lamps I thought were done for, and my lams till hasn't clouded.

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