Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've noticed as I have acquired some older lamps that they if left on for a decent period of time break into micro bubbles. Now mind you it's not the entire lamp but enough that it's obnoxious to me. Would a dimmer fix this. Or altering the chemistry of the lamp?

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As always Bohdan you came through, thanks again. I simply suggested changing the formula because I know the basics of it. And part of the reason I haven't been on as often is because I've been busy tinkering making my own fluid. I've actually been sucessful as well.
I have the same problem. What kind of dimer will work good?

Well the one Bohdan is referencing is one you can pick up at home depot for like $10 and it's a white box with a slider on it. I tested his theory last night and it helped immensely but doesn't quite completely solve the problem.
Ok I need to get one and try it. How dose it work. Do you plug the dimer in the wall and then plug the lamp in the dimer. Also can you you use one dimer for to lamps?

Dimmer into wall, lamp into dimmer. Rated up to 300 watts. So yeah. You would just need a surge protector or something with multiple outlets.

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