Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Midnight series clear/blue Missing the black top And no stamp on bottle cap?!

My parents picked up a sweet midnight series lamp with blue wqx and very clear liquid. They got it for almost nothing but it came without the cap!! Where can I find a black 32oz cap for cheap?? I would love to sell this lamp and make a huge profit but I might keep it Cuz it's so nice.
The bottle cap is in perfect shape but it's missing the manufacturing stamp on it!! So there is nothing that lets me know how old it is, but the power cord is older than any of my other 90s lites and it is made in Mexico rather than China. Also the roller switch is a leviton which I have never seen before I don't think!! Please help!! XD

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Here is the bottle cap.
Help me out lava experts!!

there should be a date stamped on the felt on the base.

as for a cap, you may try asking lava lite, or check ebay.

I checked the base there's no stamp not even a blue smudge that looks like a date. I know the base is original to the lamp though. It's got the stickers just like my other usa lamps

strange!  maybe this was an off day for LL, or perhaps there is another reason.  i don't know.

I agree! No stamp on the cap and no ink on the base? I'm stumped... But do you know of a place where I can get a black 32oz top to go on it? I can't find tops anywhere online... I wish people wouldn't lose them..

About the only way I know to get caps is to buy a complete lamp.  You might see one every few months on ebay.  A person might make a little money 3D printing and selling them!

I strongly suggest emailing LL and asking them for a cap.  I had about the same problem and emailed them. It took a while to hear back but when I did they simply asked for my address and the next day sent me a tracking code! no charge for 3 caps.

Good luck...it might help to mention that you are an oozinggoo member

I'll have to remember that!

Heidi D said:

I strongly suggest emailing LL and asking them for a cap.  I had about the same problem and emailed them. It took a while to hear back but when I did they simply asked for my address and the next day sent me a tracking code! no charge for 3 caps.

Good luck...it might help to mention that you are an oozinggoo member

Thanks you guys! When I get time I will

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