Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've had nothing but issues using the Goo kits from Magma Tower.  What are you using for wax to redo a lamp if you do not use the Goo Kit?  Where else can you find wax?  Do you make your own?


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Some here have had little luck at making their own goo. Others who have used goo kits are having the same issues as you, so don't feel bad. I have yet to even attempt a kit. I have a Grande to refill.

I started out transferring LL China goo to other globes and recently a couple USA 32's for a 52 ouncer. Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a few  for the greater good ;) 

This.  I have quite a few beatdown Grandes to refill (nods approvingly like a smug bastard).  I have been waiting on sales at Spencers and buying Neons five at a time to refill Grandes.  The sales tend to be something like $10 off a $30 purchase, so I go through with separate transactions to triple up (I snag something like an "I love boobies" magnet to push the third transaction to $30).

So with Neons at $20/lamp it comes out to be $80 for the lamps + the free "I love bobbies" magnet.  More than a Goo Kit, absolutely, but I love the flow of the Neon formula in a Grande, and all told, I feel it is quite affordable if you consider the end result.  A high quality BIG lamp that commands attention.  My clear/green Neon is finished and is still operating like a champ.  Five yellow Neons have since met a similar fate and that Grande is breaking in and will soon be customized.

So end of the day, My Grandes tend to run about $105.  I tend to get used Grandes for $25 + the $80 in refill supplies.  Just a little more than a NIB Grande and well worth it in my opinion.

Compared to my only intact Grande (Marley Grande), the Neon wax seems much harder/has a higher flow point temperature.  My gut tells me this may end up being a lamp you can run for an entire weekend without frying it.  The longevity of Magma Tower wax concerns me so I think you can see where I am going with that one.  I do have plans to install those sweet dimmers that Brad documented how to install to truly perfectify these things.

Deb said:

Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a few  for the greater good ;) 

I've done two Goo-Kit grandes both only lasted 4 months . I'm not a fan of goo-kits

Trevor now when you say they lasted 4 months what happened then?

The problem I have with Magma Tower GooKits is the same problem I have with Lava Lite new stuff - stuck wax around the bottom. Of all the new Lava Lites I've bought (Neons, Clearviews, etc) in the past year or so, about 50% of them have wax that sticks around the very bottom of the globe. You can't see it when running, and it normally doesn't impact flow, but it bugs me. 

what is neon wax, and where do you get it?

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