Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I ordered this over the 4th of July weekend and it arrived on

Tuesday the 7th.!!! Factory packing is very good & protected.

Mine shipped from Chicago area to midwest Iowa.  Only one day

FedEx !  Warming up now... See pic's

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3rd run, kinda bloby but it's very warm and humid, even in

the basement.  Turned into a few long ropes and blobed out.

I am very satisfied with the flow now.....

We all need good blobbing in our lives

I'm on the second run with mine so far so good! I really like this lamp!!! Oh and it does have 2 coils!! These 50th Grandes are good quality lamps in my opinion!! Money well spent!


I wish I had more time to run it ...

It's been so busy @ work, by the time I get home,

there's no time to get it up b4 I have to go to bed, lol.

So why bother ;-)

Can you tell me if you ever end up seeing any gunk in the coil? Both of my Heritage Grandes had that after only a handful of runs. 

I haven't run it much, I'll try to get a few in over the weekend.

Erin. No gunk in the coils so far just good flow! I have no complaints about this lamp so far. Well worth the $119!

Erin said:

Can you tell me if you ever end up seeing any gunk in the coil? Both of my Heritage Grandes had that after only a handful of runs. 

Sweet. I'm keeping a close eye on my rainbow Grande. I've had too many lamps suffer this fate (crap in the coil). 

Whoa! Looks awesome.

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