Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a lava brand lava lamp. It is 52oz. The lava just sits at the bottom of the lamp. Even after hours. It is like an egg stuck at the bottom. This is a link to a short video of it


note this is my first post if i did something wrong sorry

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Killer!! Just ordered a couple USA globe replacements!! Thanks for link!!
This is interesting? You suggest taking a chance on these lamps? I'd hate to spend the extra cash and shipping and it be crap-I'm shocked that there are 32 oz. globes-that's awesome! And all the greens-I'm always looking for greens!! Thanks!
It's not hot enough and not broken in yet. run a 60 watt bulb on it for about 1 hour then put the 40 watt bck in it once it gets going Careful Hot!! use a cheap dimmer switch for best results.
I see that even after my time selling them..............things have not changed.

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