Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I had as you remember, bought 6 of them to surprise her on Christmas morning, as she is 63 and still a bit of a hippy. On Christmas eve, I set all the lamps up with the exception of the little Telstar lamp (220volt) for her to see, actually operating and oozing, then brought her into the room. She could've cared less about these neat surprises. I was so completely crushed......She even wanted me to resell them to recoupe the money I had spent. Un phuquing beleivable! Hell with it. I'll keep them, myself. She didn't even want them in the living room! So I had to put them in my office. Sorry for the rant. Just makes me so damn disappointed. Just had to vent it to all you guys. You all seem so understandable. Hope things went better for all of you! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Chris

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LOL. will you marry me?
i should clarify. i bought my wife an amazing bracelet, one she wanted for a long time for her 30th and i got nothing!

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