Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Can someone please give me a link to a online store that carries the converter plugs for european lava lamps to work here in the US. I went to my local Lowe's and Home Depot and a local electric store and none of them had them. Also need the bulb extender for the Grande.

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Radio Shack for the converter (about $20) and you will also need the travel plug unless your lamp is only 2 pronged (rare) plug, and Home Depot for the extender (about $3)

If you have several lamps that use the same plug, you might want to invest in a power strip to match. That way you only have to buy one converter, use it on the strip and now you have 4/6 outlets you can use instead of one.

Just a thought :)
Ok thanks for the replies, but I must be a moron cause there are a bunch of different ones on radioshack.com and I called them and told them what i needed and the one they recommended was $48 dollars. So if I could get someone to post the link to the converter product online I would greatly appreciate it. By the way this converter is for a brand new astro lava lamp from electric planet. There are just so many converters out there I get confused. If someone knows a store online and could post the converter i need and the bulb extender for a american Grande I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
Here they are, they really have gone up in price since I bought one, they are $44 http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062421&n...

and then you will need this to plug the lamp into the converter http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2102419

You should look into just converting it to US wiring, it would cost about $10 and you can return it to original wiring without damaging it at all, plus you can use regular bulbs.


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