I have two (2) very old lava lamps that are very old but they work great, with the exception of the cracked plastic screw on lids. They became brittle with age and the gold colored plastic lids have cracked. There are O-Rings inside them to seal them. The O-Rings are perfect, but I just need to replace the threaded on type lid. One light says Model 1120, June, 1976 on the bottom. Another sticker inside says Underwriters Laboratories, Issue #C7358, and E-40250 on it. The lid is wider at the bottom neck of it and slightly less diameter at the top crown of it. 2 3/8" diameter at the widest part, and just shy of 2" at the very top (narrowest part). The other one is identical but without stickers.
Can someone help me with replacement lids or tell me what kind of generic lid or lid from something else that can be used to solve my problem?
I can send anyone my phone number or will call you if you can help me.
Photos are attached.
Thanks, Mike Reisman
Views: 2203
Looks like you have a couple Century model lamps there, as for the caps, most of us have taken to using some marine epoxy to glue them back together then spray paint over the top
I was hoping to find a lid - doesn't even have to look the same - just a lid that is the right size and correct on the thread configuration that would SEAL up the bottle and make it air tight. I have tried epoxy like JB Weld, unless marine epoxy is somehow better. Just figured those of you who are experts on Lava Lamps would know the tricks and the sources for all this.
There really seems to be no sources other than finding another old lamp on ebay and sacrificing it for the cap
But nobody in all the Lava Lamp Expert Clubs in the world has ever encountered this problem and realized that someone might know and have a source for ordering a custom lid or discovered that the lid on a jar of "Oscar's Pimentos" just happens to fit it perfectly??? Only hoping for some kind of detail that sounds sort of like that. Thanks so much for caring to offer any help you can. Would be great if someone knows. Also somebody ought to know who made these early ones - someone has to know or know who was part of it.
Gwen Williams said:
Looks like you have a couple Century Aristocrat model lamps there, as for the caps, most of us have taken to using some marine epoxy to glue them back together then spray paint over the top
Nope - that looks like a standard 52 ounce screw cap to me. I used to have quantity of new old stock screw caps in all three colors but sold them to members of the site years ago.
Critter said:
Neat old lamp. That lid and O-Ring look very much like it is from a Mathmos bottle to me. Interesting.
It's very hard to find replacement tops for these old lamps. To date, I've never seen anything comparable and to get a replacement lid, you'd have to take one off another similar lamp... but you see the paradox there.
I've seen many a person come on this site looking for old Century/Aristocrat caps and the sad truth is there near impossible to find just on their own.
Jim, when you said standard 52 oz screw cap, is this something I can buy from a source that can get lids with the right thread? I do not care that it is the same, just so it fits and screws on so it seals.
I'll answer for him, since I think I know the answer - he meant standard in terms of standard for this kind of lava lamp globe (Aristocrat). To date, there's no known source for replacement lids, exact or comparable.
Mike Reisman said:
Jim, when you said standard 52 oz screw cap, is this something I can buy from a source that can get lids with the right thread? I do not care that it is the same, just so it fits and screws on so it seals.
These were made by Lava Light. I don't know of a source that will have a tight seal, but gallon jug lids have the same thread. I have tried a few ways to get them to seal and haven't came up with a satisfactory solution. I was fortunate enough to get the lid I needed from Jim. Like he said that was a few years ago. I don't remember any available since then.
Below is an example of the type of gallon jug and lid:
Mike Reisman said:
Jim, when you said standard 52 oz screw cap, is this something I can buy from a source that can get lids with the right thread? I do not care that it is the same, just so it fits and screws on so it seals.
Is it specific to this GEDNEY brand vinegar and does it need to go with a glass one gallon jug or does any seem to work?
No specific brand. If you live close to a home brewing supply company you can check with them to see if they have lids that fit. They might have solutions for sealing also. I have only tried metal caps. One problem with them is that not only do you have to seal the globe you also have to make sure that the metal cap is not exposed to the water of the globe. The cap I had started rusting. I think they make aluminium caps that would work better than what I had. You might also be able to locate plastic caps.
Mike Reisman said:
Is it specific to this GEDNEY brand vinegar and does it need to go with a glass one gallon jug or does any seem to work?
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