Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was wondering if anyone had tried removing this coating.  I've read that it scratches quite easily so I was wondering about having a go with a glass scraper, or does anyone know of any chemicals that would strip it?

I have one bottle that seems to have a particularly thick coating and it's bugging me!

I've been pondering asking mathmos if they'll add an option of non-coated bottles for those of us who don't use them as kids lighting and don't care about the shatterproof properties...

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Perfect!  this is exactly what I hoped to hear.  I hate the way that the coating makes the bottles look.  My violet/turquoise isn't so bad, but my yellow/orange is horrendous. 

Does it affect the etched logo?

This worked perfectly! Thank you so much!

The coating on the neck of the bottle was too uneven for it to peel, so I used a razor to cut in the dent where the neck flares out, above the logo.  It peeled very nicely from there! Took about 5 mins!

Before and after photos for those interested:

Indeed, I had considered bumping the bulb by 5w and using telstar/baby bottles, but my favourite colourway is the violet turquoise which isn't available (god knows why they have different colour schemes for the two identical bottles...)

Just did my violet/turquoise this morning.  A bit trickier to get started as it wasn't as thick as the yellow one, so I went around the edge of the top where it goes wide instead of in the dent, worked a treat again.

Definitely a happy bunny!

Hey! Would you mind re-sharing how you were able to get the coating off I'm new here and somehow I'm not able to see the relevant posts.

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