Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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In case you might not have known this .. Wal*Mart is putting out an ENDCAP ( full one ) in their stores near the lamp section . They have all sorts of Lava Lamps on them and i came across the Neon Lava Lamps at mine .  They only have 1 color though  and its the Neon Watermelon  !  Personally , im glad that i got me one as i love this color !! The neon glow of it definately looks awesome in my room .


You may ask  : How Awesome ?


Well , lets just say that my other 3 Lava Lamps i had on my desk are now packed up and i have my new one going now !!!!  Yep , to ME  its that cool  =)  


Anyway just wanted to pass this info along to y'all ! 

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