Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This is my neon yellow lamp I've had for a few months. The flow was very close to pre-China flow until now. Lately it's been acting lazy and spitting out small watery bubbles like this. It's exactly what my purple/yellow Colossus is doing! Any ideas?

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I had the same issue with one of my yellows. I refilled it and it flowed great for the first run, but then it started doing it again. I currently have no solution.

have you tried a different 40w bulb?

Whenever I personally have had this happen to me, it turned out to be a bare spot on the coil drawing water in. Maybe check to see if the coil is totally coated with wax? Sometimes you can't see the bare spots because they're too far into the globe, but usually they are right up against the glass.

I have fixed this problem on several globes by turning the globe in quick, short bursts to move the wax over onto the bare spot. Sometimes you have to repeat this over and over until it stays on the coil. Sometimes it never sticks again. That is when you have to pull the big guns out.

Not saying that is what your problem is, but check the coil out to be sure.

Mall of my neons now have wax burnt on the bottom of the globe... The worst is the watermelon. Speaking of watermelon I just bought those new watermelon Oreos !
Also if u can't see a bare spot on the coil. Take the lamp off and look at the bottom if u can see the liquid flowing into the wax. Other solution. Open it, heat it up then fish the coil out soak it in degreaser or bleach water then scrub it with a tooth brush and drop it back in. When handling the coil use latex gloves
Great ideas. The bulb is the same it's had for a while. I'll try spinning first and then up the ante. I really don't want to open it up but I guess I may have to. If I figure this out, I'll apply the same winning trick to my stupid purple/yellow colossus. I'm sick of that thing. Someday when I have the time (likely never) I'll goo kit it.

Yeah, mine does this also.  Definitely a coil issue on mine.  It wasn't on the coil all the way at first but it flowed good, then tried the spin method to reattached the wax to the coil but it backfired and now this is how it is.  I plan to take the coil out and try the method Jus uses;


Go figure; it looks fixed at the moment:
Scubbing the coils and soaking them has always worked for me. Remember I be the custom globe guy lol ;-)

My yellow has the exact same issue. I just let mine go and it sometimes fixes itself. I gave up trying to fix these lamps. LOL

Yeah, I am beginning to wonder if it was just getting a little too hot. It was acting up again this evening. Erin, I think you're right. Is it worth fixing a $20-25 lamp? Putting a 60w plus a dimmer on one is more than most people will do out of general principle. WHEN will LL make a thermostatically controlled LED lamp?!?!?

my green neon flowed like that for a short time, then it stopped.  i have no idea why.

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