Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

NEW colors in 52oz. spotted at local Spencer Gifts

Hey guys, just got home from the mall, thought you all might like to know Spencer's has two new color combos available in 52oz. The first is a pink and clear with a silver base, and the second is what caught my eye, a black based, black lava with orange liquid... Didn't have time to snap a pic, but I thought I'd give everyone a heads up.


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You know, I would think if Lava World can flood the UK with their crap, can't the Mathmos people return the favor?

If they would get some kind of distribution deal going that would at least save US denizens the shipping costs.....
I know they will....just a bit too pricey, especially if it takes money and/or skill to make em work with US sockets
Yeah.,...that's what I'm doing. Ebay and yard sales. But I would like a Mathmos.

They should get get better US distributorship and that might bring price down...
I went to my local spencers and they dont have them, they suggested making a 2 hour drive to the closest spencers...wtf? I told them they were crazy so they told me to come back in a week and if they still dont have them they can order a black/orange for me. I dont know if I want to but if the lamp actually runs that would be great because I think the lamp looks awesome!

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