Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello :) 

I've had my lamp for a few months now, it's a Grande model. 

I've had a lava lamp before a few years back but it was only a small blue one.

My Nan had one too when I was a kid.  

Something not sure on. 

Have had a look about but not get exact info. 

They say to only leave lamp on for 10 hours, but someone said you can leave the Grande on longer due to it dissipating heat a lot better. 

It takes about 2 1/2 hours to get working so is that 10 hours after it's got going or from when you first switch it on?


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Welcome Ian! 

Lava Lite recommends that time frame as a whole run time from click on. As you know they take a while to heat up, mine can take upwards of 4+ hours if the coil flips, but I have not run into any issues in running mine for a few days straight.  The time suggestion is more in place to avoid damage to the wax as the globes do have a lifespan and to prevent any overheating issues.

The timeframe is a suggested max time.  Some lamps along with ambient conditions won't run nearly as long as suggested without overheating.  Overheating is really the big problem because it can cause the wax to age prematurely, causing breakdown.  (What we call "fried").  The graphics below are actually better guides for when to turn off a lava lamp;

You can also use dimmers......

Welcome! I find myself switching off my lamps one by one as they begin getting too warm, judging by flow. The above picture explains it. Every lamp runs differently!

Excellent and thanks guys. 

I will experiment and go by the diagrams. 

Want to get my Son one for Christmas but not a Grande lmao.

My son is 16 and the lava bug bit him at 14-15!!!  He has a green 52 oz Neon in his room and an old 52 oz green neon that we accidently fried the lava on by over-running it, so I goo-kitted it into a white lava/blue liquid!!  He absolutely loves his lamp and falls asleep with them on every nite!  I now use dimmers and have them on a timer so we don't overheat them and kill them prematurely!!!  It's nice to see the future generation getting into the lamps!!!

Mine is green Neon too Carol.  

My Son is 12 but is a very clever little chap.. acts much older. 

Dimmer sounds an excellent idea.

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