Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

should i do this? the lamp is from 03, so are the contents incredibly toxic or what? i know some people have done this, but i just want to make sure before i go ruining the cap and busting 'er open. also will adding food color do anything weird to the glitter and stuff? i was only planning on using one drop of mccormick's neon blue. also what should i do about recapping the lamp? i have a rubber stopper that came out of a hot rock lava lamp, also heard something about using corks? the glitter lamp is a silver glitter/blue liquid but the blue is really dull and the light the lamp gives off is harsh, bright, and white, even tho it's cool because it gives off a lot of the glitter flashes. but i would prefer if the light it gave off was actually blue and more "muted" because i've been wanting to use this lamp in my bedroom as nightlight, but as it is right now, it's much too bright. i've tried everything from lower watt colored bulbs, painting bulbs, etc and of course none of that works/is good enough so that's why i'm wanting to add the food color.

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can somebody answer me pls?

Yes glitter lamps usually have toxic liquids in them. I wouldn't be too scared of it though just be careful, and recapping I have no experience but I hear pliers or other objects work. There's a ton of threads on here on how to recap. http://oozinggoo.ning.com/forum/topics/coloring-a-wizard-glitter?co... they mention what dye to use on this thread maybe you could try that.

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