Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Phasing out of incandescents in the US - what are your plans?

I had originally thought that we had more time, but on the local news this week, they said 100W are no longer being made and then there will be a gradual phase-out in the next two years. I've read many conflicting reports on the ban vs. phase out. 

My questions are this: Can anyone find a definitive timeline for which bulbs are being phased out when? AND, what about all the little specialty bulbs...will those go, too? 

I don't like CFLs or LEDs!

I'm taking inventory and seeing what I should buy:

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Yea, it's definitely a miniscule amount, just venting a little. I just purchased my fourth Grande a few days ago and I'm planning on getting my fifth (black/clear) in the next month, so I've already purchased 20 R20-100w. So I'm thinking 4 bulbs per lamp should last my life time, I hope.

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