Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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I should be receiving my new ferrofluid motion toy sometime in July.  Pics will be forthcoming once it arrives. 

VOXul said:

I say we try to lock this down and introduce a new motion toy to market, ferro fountains and waves!

We can give away free Water Boogies!

Are you SERIOUS!?!

So...gunna leak any details or are you going to hold out on us Jim...

Kidding, can't wait to see this mystery machine!

Jim said:

I should be receiving my new ferrofluid motion toy sometime in July.  Pics will be forthcoming once it arrives. 

VOXul said:

I say we try to lock this down and introduce a new motion toy to market, ferro fountains and waves!

We can give away free Water Boogies!

Yes indeed!  A co-worker, knowing my taste in kick ass motion lamps, had given me a head's up.  I just had to be an early adopter and get on board.

Fluux LiquiMetal

VOXul said:

Are you SERIOUS!?!

So...gunna leak any details or are you going to hold out on us Jim...

Kidding, can't wait to see this mystery machine!

Jim said:

I should be receiving my new ferrofluid motion toy sometime in July.  Pics will be forthcoming once it arrives. 

VOXul said:

I say we try to lock this down and introduce a new motion toy to market, ferro fountains and waves!

We can give away free Water Boogies!

GAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Are you kidding me, I would back $75 on that right now. 



Just a random kinda Friday:

Gahhh, and I have to do this later...

Lol lol lol... the dishes...where do you find 'em VOXul... fell out of my arse !!!
VOXul said:

Just a random kinda Friday:

Gahhh, and I have to do this later...

HAHA, I love laughs Aladdin :)

I collect this stuff while I drift around the internet. Unfortunately, one of my most favorite photo blogs decided to shut it's doors this week due to DRM violations and a host that decided to give up, BOOOOOO.  I love sharing this stuff with you and am thrilled that it fits right in with all of you!

Commence photo dump in 10 minutes, Boddingtons poured, hard drive spun!

Just do it!

Likey VOXul ... What the what what !!!... the planet in the warehouse pinged my eyeballs... in a nice way... He  he.
VOXul said:

HAHA, I love laughs Aladdin :)

I collect this stuff while I drift around the internet. Unfortunately, one of my most favorite photo blogs decided to shut it's doors this week due to DRM violations and a host that decided to give up, BOOOOOO.  I love sharing this stuff with you and am thrilled that it fits right in with all of you!

Commence photo dump in 10 minutes, Boddingtons poured, hard drive spun!

The chicken lady.... Noooo... lol lol lol... its hurtng now !!!

Well, I've been somewhat missing in action, so I'm behind on posting.  Maybe these will speak for themselves;

Oh stop it!

When I work out of town and my lamps have been moved:

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