Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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I bet this dog's ass smells like... well, ass I suppose.

What is the matter with that?

Mash up of the last two. 

All that for a poo…



Um Jim, was there supposed to be a pic before these comments??!!  lolololol  I'm not seeing anything but I see your comment about a dog's ass, lol!!!!  Wow, is my computer doing wacky stuff or what??

oh, P.S.  There's a weird little dot blinking........

LOL LOL LOL....  the poor kids face said all.... pissed my pants !!!

Jim said:

I bet this dog's ass smells like... well, ass I suppose.

What is the matter with that?

Love this thread........... keep em coming   :D

With bonus scrotal sack photobomb!!! 

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Love this thread........... keep em coming   :D

I'm thinking its your PC.  All three of mine render perfectly for me (Firefox) and Aladdin was able to see it just fine as well.  Two out of three makes it majority rule. 

Carol Morrow said:

Um Jim, was there supposed to be a pic before these comments??!!  lolololol  I'm not seeing anything but I see your comment about a dog's ass, lol!!!!  Wow, is my computer doing wacky stuff or what??

oh, P.S.  There's a weird little dot blinking........

Ha Ha... at least he has a tidy arrangement Jim !  ROFL
Jim said:

With bonus scrotal sack photobomb!!! 

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Love this thread........... keep em coming   :D

oh man Jim I wanna see!!!!  Stupid computer....REBOOT!!!!

I went mobile and saw it!!!!  hee hee hee......luv the pug!!!  Looks like my Biggie!!!!  oops wrong section to post a pic of my Biggie, lol!!!  Don't know what happened with the laptop.  Maybe it doesn't like dogs....lol

LOL!  Love it!

Jim said:



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