Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I thought... We have a great music thread, random topic thread and various lava/glitter/fiber/rain/plasma/wave/motion image threads. I think we need one to support general photography, unique images and moving pictures (e.g. gifs and other things that move). Maybe it will be a quiet thread maybe it will get rowdy. I could be talking to myself here! Post images that move you, excite you, make you laugh maybe even cry! Express with imagery!

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It has happened Keith...

I don't quite know what, but it did.

Seeing the reply to the Shatner gif I realize I said I love 'this guys!' when it should be these... and 'those people' being the people standing around. Otherwise it sounds as though I look at the crazy fan oddly and then flip out myself, Just does not make sense!

THAT is a trike lala! I wonder if the exhaust is running afterburners, giving it the ability to shoot fire at red lights?

What did Turbo the Snail say when he got a ride on a turtle's back?


I can't stop trying to follow green Brad!!! I bet the inside looks like this

mind = blown

It looks like your trike tried to morph into a car! I'll take the trike.

lalalava said:

Fancy shoes ya got there! It does look just like an old Dust Buster! Wif gold teef!

anyone like butter?

Here's the pic, as promised!

There we go, there's that detail! Very nice Jus, I am glad this one lives on, there is some time into that! Thank you for posting it!

Awww-thanks!  LOVE the applause! *takes a bow*

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