Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Problem with lamp leakage, please help if you can thanks.

Hi, I'm new on this forum and firstly I would like to say hello to one and all, it is so nice to be here.

I wonder if someone would be so kind and offer me some advice please?

I've received a lamp today from ebay and it has leaked as it has been on its side in transit. Sadly, the person who sent it out to me put the postage label on the wrong way up so the box has been transported on its side.

It is a Mathmos Astro the big one. The cap is on tightly but it has lost enough liquid to now be showing a three MM waterline gap when the aluminium cap end is in place on top of the bottle.

Is there anything I can do to top up the liquid without shortening the bottles life or making it go cloudy etc?

Thanks very much for you help.


PS: I'm a bit disheartened as I'm waiting for my first three ebay Mathmos purchases to turn up. This one is leaking. The other one I've been informed has a fault so the sender offered me a refund and hasn't got back to me. The final one which was the most expensive of all has not yet turned up and I don't know if or when it was despatched, I'm waiting for an answer to my two messages. Hey Hoe, just bad luck I guess.

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Hi thanks, no I don't have any postal insurance on the lamps, it wasn't offered on the listings. So I'm nut sure how I stand. I have not contacted the seller of the leaking lamp yet and I'm still waiting for replies from the other two sellers.

If the leaking one can be topped up and not effect the lamps quality that is fine by me. The Mathmos box it came in should just dry out and not be a problem though.

Thanks Astobaby.
Thanks very much for your help.

I don't have another bottle to top up from. Hopefully it will expand when it is on. Other than the lack of liquid, it's a nice lamp. Also, it was the cheapest of the lamps I purchased too.

Thanks Bohdan, that's a good idea, I will have to track down a bottle with clear liquid.

Thanks for the tip regards not topping up flocks and metallics. I know that metallics have a thicker liquid but, I didn't know that the flocks had a different liquid to the normal astros. Thanks.
I know what you mean about parcels being thrown about. Although this one wasn't packed at all, it was just loose in its Mathmos box. So it is a miricle that it got here in the first place lol.

I will post some pics of our lamps when they are all lit up a bit later on when its dark in the room. Just having a BBQ at the mo, beautiful weather here.
Hi Susan. I hope you receive your lamps soon and that there are no further problems. If you pay by Paypal, there should be no problems getting a refund if the item doesn't turn up.

By the way, i've used a small amount of distilled water to top up my Astro lamps before with no problems.

Hi and thanks, I will remember the distilled water suggestion. Luckily, when the lamp heats up the water level rises and you cannot see a water line.

Regards the other two lamps I'm waiting for. One of the sellers had said that the lamp is finally on its way. The other one who says that his lamp is faulty and offered me a refund a couple of days ago and hasn't answered my message or got back to me or given me a refund.

I worry like mad when things such as lamps are in the post. I purchased all these last weekend and paid a bomb for postage and paid the instant the auction closed. I guess some people don't see the urgency of posting things out once they are paid for.

Enjoy your weekend everyone :)

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