Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I wasn't planning on acquiring any more lava lamps (unless my bf picks some up at garage sales for me to sell, not keep). In fact I came here to learn so I can sell the ones I have.

But, having an art background, I do appreciate lavas as art forms, meditation or relaxation aids, and also light-emitters which symbolically has profound meaning in terms of "illumination" and all that can be said about that.

So I'm getting a little bit of a bug from you guys and thinking that my favorite color combo is purple and green and wondering if there is a lamp like that because that is one I'd like to have.

Anybody know?

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Now that is a color combination I have not seen.  Have you checked out the Lava Library, yet?  In the 1990's timetable link, http://oozinggoo.ning.com/page/lava-lite-timeline-the-1990s, at the bottom are all of the color combinations that are currently known to exist.  I didn't see a purple/green.

However, it would be very easy to get a couple of globes from the 90s with each of those colors and create your own!

Oh by the way, the longer you hang out here, the worse your craving for lava lamps will get!  Glad you're here!

Thanks Kirk I'd like to try making one one of these days.   Have a lot to learn and will come here.

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