Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just saw this lava lite on the website gallery, the blue/white on the left #03

lava115.jpg . She's looks so great !

I got one and it's a blue white too #03 , but she looks like more a blue/yellow, it's a 2000 lava lite if i remember, had it on ebay.

Do you have any information on the differences of colours ?

Thank you


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The more the wax has been run it will start to turn a yellowish. The bulb will also give it a yellow look. Its pretty normal

Do you think that if i put a 25w or a white bulb it will get darker ! ?

lots have experimented with this. and all incandescent bulbs give off a yellow light. Halogen mite work. but I don't know where to find those in the usa. Mathmos uses halogen reflectors in some of there lamps
Theraft said:

Do you think that if i put a 25w or a white bulb it will get darker ! ?

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