Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi.. I have (2) 32oz black midnight lamps and I need to ask ,Im currently using a  clear 40watt bulb in both but am noticing my blue/clear one is having more smaller blobs and also my red/clear one has the same issue but also looks alittle cloudy as well..Never been shaken! These globes are dated 2003. I dont run them alot,but was wondering if the clear light bulb might be too hot for both issues?? My temp indoors at this point of summer is about 80-85 degrees Any info would be greatly appreciated!! Also would running them daily for about 6-8 hrs might clear up the cloudy in the red one or could it be both issues,too hot and not run enough? Thanks again..

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The 40w's amount of heat should be ok but you should use a frosted bulb - this defuses and distruobutes the heat better, giving slightly less heat then a clear bulb.
At 80-85 degrees most globes will run hot, (small blobs that tend to gather at the top).  Also, with most of the wax at the top the light from the bulb looks hazy in clear globes.  A frosted bulb will help with both issues.  I have just started using a GE reveal frosted 40w bulb in my blue/clear and it looks to be running cooler with no haze.  They cost about $3.50 for a pack of 2 at walmart.

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