Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So about ten days ago during a routine Craigslist scan I came across a lamp Ive been wishing to find and buy for such a long time but despite the countless hours spent searching online and any other possible source of vintage lamps (garage sales, thrift stores, etc.) ive been coming up empty handed, until now! The lamp I was looking for was any color USA made Giant but couldn't find one for sale because everyone that owns one came to realize the value and rarity of them and decided to hold on to them or is asking a ridiculous amount for it.


Anyways, searching CL after work last Thursday I found this blue/white Giant posted 8 days ago and decided to immediately call the seller to find out that she still had it but also learned that she had no intentions or desire to work with me on shipping and insisted it was impossible to ship since the lamp weighed 60lb (according to her). Since the lamp was quite a far drive from me (500 mile round trip) I insisted in shipping it and eventually convinced her to ship it but only if I first mailed her a box and return label so she wouldn't have to worry about packaging and paying for shipping, so I sent her a grande box and label for her to ship it back and within a few days it was delivered by the UPS man. The lamp only cost me 60$ but with shipping it got close to 90$ which is a really good deal for a rare USA made beauty!


Here are some pics and videos of it spiking. The pics of it flowing were taken on a V1 heritage base while the original base was being refinished, since the bulb is far from the globe it wasn't quite getting up to temperature but still got some really good flow. The liquid is a little cloudy from shipping but looked clear in the pictures. When I got it, the wax looked like it hadn't been ran in a very long time and had a weird texture but after its first cycle in my possession the wax had mixed back in and became the creamiest, snakiest wax ive ever seen on any lamp, it looks like fresh butter and flows unlike anything else. Its been clearing up slowly in the 7 days I had it, and now for the first time its sitting on its own refinished base.




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Oooooh, good stuff! What a great find! Glad it went to a good home. :)

Awesome find !

I wish my mid 90's Giant would flow like that. I have the same colors.

What year is it from ? USA or China made ?  Perhaps a closer pic

of the neck where it's sealed off.

Its USA made, the china made did not come in blue/white and also the china globes have a silver metal cap, the USA globes have the plastic cap with the clamp and heatshrink. I can get closer pics but there isnt much more to be seen unless opened, this globe looks like its never been opened or tampered with.

Whats wrong with the flow on yours?

Todd Miller said:

Awesome find !

I wish my mid 90's Giant would flow like that. I have the same colors.

What year is it from ? USA or China made ?  Perhaps a closer pic

of the neck where it's sealed off.

Incredible find! The giant is my idea of the ultimate lamp. I look at thrift stores all the time, and still haven't found one. Hopefully one day...

Never say never because thats how i felt and then BAM! this thing is staring at me on the computer screen and I ended up with it, just keep looking and youll find one!

Cowmatian said:

Incredible find! The giant is my idea of the ultimate lamp. I look at thrift stores all the time, and still haven't found one. Hopefully one day...

I love me some Giants!  I too have had success finding them on Craigslist.  Persistence pays!

Congratulations -- this one is a beauty!

If you look here you can see my story of a mid 90's Giant


Just wondering if you nailed down a date and I was interested

in how they are sealed.  If you take a flashlight and look up

into the glass, under the cap, do you see anything like white caulk ?

I looked everywhere for a date and couldn't find any, the felt pad on the bottom of the base was all messed up and basically gone so no luck there.

I followed your thread when you created it and saw that caulk and that was the first thing I looked for in mine. There is absolutely no white silicone caulk on mine, just what looks like the same black cap yours had plus a hose clamp and heat shrink tubing sealing it all. With a flashlight I can make out what looks like a black o-ring inside the cap.

Thank You for your observation....

BTW:My Giants have improved as I run them

longer.  After 10 hours on Sunday they were

flowing real good.  Not blobs, but some really

cool streams.

Nice...that's a beauty.  Wish I could find a USA Giant...I don't seem to have that kind of luck though unfortunately.

wow, i am totally jealous!  a blue/white giant is on my list of lamps to own before i die.  enjoy it, but let me know if you ever decide to sell it! 

Looks great Rodrigo I told you that lamp would rock when you were done with it!

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