Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I acquired a bong about 15yrs ago and had decided today to look it up. What I came across for it was only on this site cause another member had posted about one as well. I'm just curious if I have the same thing. Is my Kenny also a rare prototype that was sent to have been a lava lamp? Thanks for your time.

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Don't know how to post a pic so if anyone can help that would be great.
Original post that I came across was by Mikki Mcglone
Yes that's the one. This is the one I have.

that takes me back to the 90's for sure!  nice piece.

A little history.

|The same company that made the bongs was commissioned by LL to supply some of their ceramic series lamps

The Kenny lamp went through several revisions but never made it to production.

To my knowledge there were only 3 made..also only 3 Cartman made. I worked for Haggarty in the 90s. I had a Kenny and a Cartman. Together they are worth a couple grand!

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