Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Red-clear 32 oz. from 1975. Slight clouding while in operation.

My lamp looks perfectly clear for about 1-2 hours into operation. At that point it becomes slightly cloudy. Any suggestions or observations to report? The air gap at the top completely disappears when it is hot. I like it that way. I'd hate to do anything to lose the liquid just for the sake of cleaning it up. The flow is absolutely fantastic and almost, but not quite balances the fact it has some cloudiness. Cloudy lamps just aren't that sexy. I'd surely like to clean it up if anybody has a suggestion on the best way to do it without liquid loss. I've included two photos to show it with and without cloudiness.

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Get a dimmer switch so you can adjust the heat
Thanks Matt. I take it you have had the same problem. I've also heard of this happening after liquid is cleared by filtering. What's happening? Is the heat boiling something out of the lava and temporarily liberating it into the liquid or is it just that the light is too bright when the lava finally starts to move off the bottom?
Nice little assembly of older lava lamps! Do not open them they will be ruined A little bit of hazing is normal. But don't let the lamps get too hot too many times it will ruin them.You can get a a house type extension cord with an inline dimmer for cheap at home depot. The hazing is from the lamp being too hot
Just one more quick thought for you Matt. If you've read any of my info you know that I had an Enchantress that was badly shaken. I cleared the liquid with coffee filters and just like the red-clear it tends to cloud a little after some run time. The cleared contents were placed in a 20 oz. globe since there was considerable liquid loss in the clearing process. I'll take your advice on the dimmer for that one as well if you think that's the answer. The original contents of the Enchantress were made in Jan. 1987. I have a lead on a replacement globe made in Apr. 1987. I also have some liquid left from the clearing process. I know for a fact that the air gap in the replacement globe does not completely go away. Do you think it would ruin it to top it off with the cleared liquid to remove the air gap? Is it likely the liquids would be compatible considering their closeness in manufacture date? I understand the air gap is very small but that's also one of my pet peeves.

Here's the real question though. I have a pic posted of an Enchantress base with blue/white and also a pic of a Wizard. The globe on both is the same globe. It is the globe from the shaken lamp mentioned above. I replaced the liquid/lava with a blue/white from two 20 oz. contemporary models. It seems to work fine for hours on end although the flow is not like the older lamps. It never clouds. You said opening a globe would ruin it. Considering I have a cloud free assembly that I made, is it just the older lamp formulas that can be ruined by opening them and what is the symptom(s) that one has been opened and thus ruined?

As you can see, one answer seems to lead to another question. Maybe this will satisfy my curiosity. I, like so many others just can't stand a cloudy lamp. Have you messed with the Goo Kits yet? Would love to hear more. I'll send a friend request for you as well. Hope to talk soon.


Thanks Bohdan. Your tips are always welcome. Just so you will know, when I say there is no air gap on a lamp what I mean is that the liquid is simply hidden by the bottom of the cap. I'm not interested in killing myself. LOL. My blue/white has a bit more liquid than my others but there is still a bit of air space in the very top to allow for expansion. Those older globes are high quality thick glass and boy if they blew up they would reek havoc on any unsuspecting bystanders. Shrapnel just ain't fun! Thanks for the link to the 30W bulbs. I put it in my favorites. I had no idea such a bulb existed. Do you think that is just as good as spending the money on a dimmer? I realize a dimmer would have variable heat adjustment but like most people I think cheaper is better if it will fix the problem.

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