Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Refill water: is distilled water important, or demineralised water ok?


I plan to refill my Fluidium Grande soon, but the cost of distilled water is really expensive here (and I will need a lot for this lamp).

So is it really important to use "distilled" water, or demineralised water is ok (the one for car battery) because it is really cheaper.


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They're basically the same as both have no impurities.  Distillation is just one of the ways to remove them.


distilled one is supposed to be much purer (that's the one used in labs), but if demineralized is ok too for lamps, that's good news.

I havent used it myself, but would have no problem doing so. Why is distilled expensive where you live?  I think it sells for around $1 a gallon in Minnesota.

The water I get is purified / DI water which is used for window cleaning its a lot cheaper then pure DI water as the stuff i get is 2p a litre so i think its de mineralised water and that works fine.

$1 a gallon? It must be demineralized water (or de-ionized,) not distilled.

Distillation is very cost involving and expensive.

check here for UK:


storm98 said:

I havent used it myself, but would have no problem doing so. Why is distilled expensive where you live?  I think it sells for around $1 a gallon in Minnesota.


If you hover the mouse over the gallon picture, it says processed by: steam distillation

OK sorry :-)

I can't believe such a price difference 8-() !

Here it is about $US10 for 1 liter!

You can only find it at Pharmacy and only in one liter bottle.

Maybe that's why it's so expensive...

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