Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Hello everyone, I know many of you are on the hunt or know of someone on the hunt for replacement fiber optics for their Fantasia lamp. Look no further!! As you all may or may not know already. I am currently in the process of making replacement glass fiber optic sprays. These will be identical to the original Fantasia sprays. I am overwhelmed with pre-orders and will most likely have a supply and demand issue on my hands at first, so I will do my best to have enough on hand when I begin selling them to go around. The first sprays that will be rolling out will be for the Sunburst 4000 model, Cosmos 5000 model, Regency 4001 model. All previous model Fantasia lamps, Cuda etc will have replacements as I make them available. These I hope to have ready by early to mid summer.

The large fiber optic sprays that will first be available, will be available in two lengths. The first one being a 14" spray that when inserted will hang and display its ends about mid globe on a Sunburst 4000.
The second length spray will be 18" long and is generally seen on the Black Sunburst 4000 model "Egg Shape" But will fit the Chrome and gold model Sunburst 4000 model lamps also.

The Cosmos lamp will need a measurement specific spray tailored for a exact fit within the lamp, essentialy the 14" spray should fit with no problems however I would not mind some feedback on the length of the fiber optic spray from a Cosmos 5000 model. "Measure from the ferrule to the end tips of the fibers, I know multiple sprays were used on the Cosmos, some shorter than others, just reply to this discussion with the measurements, please and thank you! :-)

These fiber optic sprays are in no way easy to make and will be made by hand and not in a factory, the cost of materials, especially the glass fiber optics is a bit pricy, the work and the process that goes into getting a spray fully assembled from start to finish with a haircut takes a bit of time. The price tag on these sprays will be most likely in the neighborhood of $100-125 each, that will be determined when they are made available for sale. I am a quality person and will make the price tag worth it's cost. I know you all know these sprays are not available anywhere unless you purchase another lamp somewhere and snag it's spray for a replacement.

keep your eyes peeled on ebay for these sprays as this will be where I will be hosting them for sale first as where I also have many other Fantasia related replacement parts for sale, color wheels etc. I will also give a heads up to you all on here prior to me listing them on ebay. Reply to this thread to give me an idea of how many "goo members" alone I will be helping out with sprays. I look forward in helping many of you get your vintage Fantasia lamps back!!
As a heads up I WILL NOT be offering "Heat Formed" replacement sprays as the process in doing this is very involved and requires special techniques and equipment I do not have access to, perhaps down the road when the lighting business I am trying to get launched is successfully up and running.

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I have the 4000 one, and I think it takes the 14' spray. that's what I need so who has them

At this point no one has them for sale, even the German guy isn't selling them anymore individually to mismatch his stock. I was going to but out this entire inventory but he was not interested in doing that.

John said:

I have the 4000 one, and I think it takes the 14' spray. that's what I need so who has them

If you find someone who is get back with me, in the meantime ill keep an eye out on eBay, but no luck there so far

Hello, did you ever make the replacement sprays? If so are you still selling them?

I got one from the German guy, but I haven't found anyone since either...I don't know much about outsourcing, but, couldn't there be someone who could help us with a prototype of the existing ones and have them made?  

As mentioned before earlier in this thread I had to give up my efforts with production of these replacement sprays. I was able to get them assembled perfectly with no problem, however the problem was getting the haircut down perfectly. It truly is an art form. I even hired a hairstylist to help me. That didn't go well because of the safety concern, small microscopic pieces of flying glass during trimming landing on skin and hair is something from a horror film and is truly nerve racking especially if you have ever gotten a splinter from one of these. So everyone is pretty correct with the assumption of no one producing or selling these at the moment and probably won't. The guy in Germany apparently does not sell the fibers separate from the lamps he sells anymore. Your best bet is to buy a second lamp from eBay or a used spray from eBay. However the prices have jumped on these so be prepared to pay! Good luck on your hunt and sorry I was not able to come through with these. I really had high hopes for this!

Jennifer Zigarac said:

I got one from the German guy, but I haven't found anyone since either...I don't know much about outsourcing, but, couldn't there be someone who could help us with a prototype of the existing ones and have them made?  

I would think that it is possible for an enterprising and business minded person to find and work with an Asian manufacturer to produce replacement sprays.  It would take a commitment and investment though and there are probably not many persons interested in such a business endeavor.  

Jennifer Zigarac said:

I got one from the German guy, but I haven't found anyone since either...I don't know much about outsourcing, but, couldn't there be someone who could help us with a prototype of the existing ones and have them made?  

Thank you all for your answers. I was kind of hoping for the plastic/ nylon fiber optics to avoid and of the safety issues that were prevalent with the glass fiber optics.

Plastic sprays just don’t look and move right when compared to glass fiber.  However, glass has the issue of being more fragile and may cause a splinter if mishandled but it does look way better.  

I personally have never been injured by a glass spray and way back in my youth I stupidly ran my hands through the sprays to feel them and make them move.  Getting such an injury is probably pretty rare and the glass spray probably gets more damage than the typical hand.   However, I could see that during production of a spray that the cutting and trimming process would very likely be more dangerous for glass splinters, etc.  

I would love to see someone make reproductions at some point.  

Colleen Staver said:

Thank you all for your answers. I was kind of hoping for the plastic/ nylon fiber optics to avoid and of the safety issues that were prevalent with the glass fiber optics.

Have your girlfriend put your new german spray on a Centurian, on top of the headboard. Then put a tornado fan blowing against it if you want to know what it is like to feel the pain of broken fibers!

needless to say, the spray id damaged and only usable on a base that does not rotate

there's  both on ebay a plastic from about a month ago and a glass long one now.

Do you have any of these left?

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