Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Replacement or possibly just a globe with right color liquid for a coachlite

Hello I'm new to this site member wise but I've been in and out of it multiple times as I love the older lava lamps and how they run and flow. I'm currently in the process of looking for a 52oz globe of the blue liquid that goes to the green wax out of the coachlite lava lamp collection. I will attach photos of what mine currently looks like and I'll also attache the color im looking for. They are screw on caps so I have a decent globe just the cap busted because I had a good friend go get it for me one time and they where on crutches and didn't get any help until they dropped the globe. So much appreciated if anyone can help me on this because buying the stuff to re do the liquid sounds like one hell of a process and also the formulas I know have changed over the years so it would probably be best to get a older globe with the right liquid. I read the blue and white wax is the same liquid for the blue and green. Thank you very much and always appreciated -Keith Richards 

P.s. it won't let me attach the photos but im sure this being a lava lamp web page and history that probably wont be hard knowing with the information I've given of which color/globe/wax ECT. I'm looking for. Much appreciated and thankful always


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