Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well I bought the purple/orange, the lava looks like a magenta/burgandy color, very clear, flows well with 30 watt reflector...
Menards has them for $8.97 if anyone wants any check out your local store. They also have the new white/green if you want that combination.
I shouldn't be buying anymore China but I wanted this one!
I also got from Spencers a black/orange that I bought 10 percent off cuz it was a display, it only flows with a 60 watt though... hhmmm
I'm so out of room

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I know, I'm being careful. I only run my 60w 52 oz's for a few hours at a time to get them broken in, my green/clear will not flow either wihout a 60w boost.

I need to go to Home Depot for the 40 reflectors, I want to get many of them since I have like 8 china 52s. Menards was out of the 40w reflector bulbs. This boy does his homework on here! Thank you though for warning me.
Yeah if you are coming back around Midwest here check out the sale they have the day after thanksgiving, I remember the last 2 years they had the lavas for like 6 something, maybe they will stay at $8.97 but either way its cheaper than paying 20 something plus shipping online for china crap, heh I won't pay over 9 bucks for them.
I was just at the local Home Depot and they did not have this bulb nor seem to know if they even carried it. The moron worker was clueless and was like sorry bud don't have that one, then was lecturing me how a bigger 50 watt flood would be too hot. I felt like saying HEY I'm the oozing goo expert here!

i need the r-16 was so annoyed they didn't even carry it or whatever aaaaaaargggg
I found the 40w r-16 flood soft white GE brand bulbs in two packs at of all places WAL MART!

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