Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

As in, Mathmos rocket lava lamps.  What are your opinions on it?

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Also, should I wait for the Astro version of the Clear/Turquoise or run to the store, and get a Rocket Clear/Turq.?

When you mean Mathmos 'rockets' you mean the mathmos telstar (not to be confused with the late Cretsworth telstar)

I think that the telstar is a grate mathmos item and a classic lamp which has a retro yet modern feel to it, (like all good lava lamps should be like).  Like all Mathmos items its high quality and built to last, my only gripe about it is that as the legs arnt bolted, if damaged it can be very hard to repair.                                   

About the clear / turquoise colour combo - it depends firstly on if Mathmos will release it in astro size and also what you want - I have to say that personally that colour in a telstar would look very nice.

Waiting for the astro version of the clear/turquoise to come out...

Tim Gill said:

When you mean Mathmos 'rockets' you mean the mathmos telstar (not to be confused with the late Cretsworth telstar)

I think that the telstar is a grate mathmos item and a classic lamp which has a retro yet modern feel to it, (like all good lava lamps should be like).  Like all Mathmos items its high quality and built to last, my only gripe about it is that as the legs arnt bolted, if damaged it can be very hard to repair.                                   

About the clear / turquoise colour combo - it depends firstly on if Mathmos will release it in astro size and also what you want - I have to say that personally that colour in a telstar would look very nice.

Me too!

Emailed Mathmos yesterday.  They said:
"We are not planning to make the Clear/Turquoise color on the Astro anytime soon"
Sorry to burst lots of people's bubbles.

Simon Lloyd said:

Me too!

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