Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Searching for Lava Lightning 2 lamps, please help me out!

I've gotten seriously bitten (again) by the plasma lamp bug.  I've had some form of plasma lamp almost as long as I've had my first lava and I really like them.  When I got back into lava lamps recently I was excited to discover LL has made/is making various plasma lamps.  I've bought a few over the past few months and have been very pleased with my most recent acqusition, a Lava Lightning Storm lamp.

Given my renewed interest in Lava plasma, I've decided to try to collect all of the Lava Lightning 2 lamps.  I have swung a deal on a green one which I will get in my hands in the near future.  The problem is, these things just don't seem to show up on ebay or Craigslist very often if ever so I'm reaching out to the community of goo for help.

First of all, I honestly don't know how many versions of the L2 they made.  I know for sure they made green and red versions but can anyone confirm how many and what colors they did make?

Additionally, if anyone knows where I can locate more of them or if you have any you would part with, please let me know!


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Hit me up if you are looking to add a plasma dolphin or plasma 'shrooms to your collection.

I've never seen those before.  Can you post up some photos?

Jim said:

Hit me up if you are looking to add a plasma dolphin or plasma 'shrooms to your collection.

Sure can Rich.  I think I have boxes for both of them as well.  They are both made by Lumisource.  I just don't need four plasma lamps as I have way too many of everything already as it is.  I also have the 52 ounce Lava Lite Plasma (shaped like a traditional Lava Lite lamp) and some older, possibly vintage plasma that is a simple sphere on a wood box - those I keep.  Still am tempted to get the Grande Plasma shipped over and run it on a converter (unless it has one built in). 

Rich C said:

I've never seen those before.  Can you post up some photos?

Jim said:

Hit me up if you are looking to add a plasma dolphin or plasma 'shrooms to your collection.

Looks like there were blue, green and red.  With my green one coming, I just have two more to find!  Any help locating them would be appreciated.

Anyone have any of these they'd like to part with or know where I could get some?  Also looking for luminglas discs.

I have not seen any around myself, they are cool looking though! Found a fairly large globe plasma at thrift the other day but it did not seem to wanna turn on, passed on it. I have seen the Luminglas discs on Ebay from time to time, just have to weed through the new crappy ones.

Making some progress, but still no Lightning 2s.  I have one promised to me but she has to locate it in her packing boxes first!  I picked up another boxed Lightning Storm off Craigslist and got a boxed 52oz. plasma just last night on ebay.  I really thought that one would go higher but I got it for about $20.  The 1:15am closing time on the auction probably helped but boy I'm tired today. 

Still on the hunt for a luminglas disc but I've found some avenues for scaring them up so I'll get one eventually.  In typical fashion, everyone on ebay thinks they are made of gold or something.  Though there are still bargains.  I foolishly missed a 16" amber colored one still in the box, it went for just $41!  I had the wife on the phone and one of the dogs barfing on the carpet just as the auction was coming to a close and thus did not get a chance to even bid.  A few weeks ago a magenta one popped with a semi-reasonable buy it now price but I thought about it too long and somone else snagged it first.  Now that I have a feel for what they typically go for I can react quicker if and when other such opporunities arrise.

My ebay purchased 52oz plasma should have shipped well over a week ago and still isn't here.  I opened a case with ebay.  I don't want my money back, I want my lamp!  I just bought a Luminglas today, I hope it ships well packed and on time.  Still need to find some Lightning 2 lamps!

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