Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I "happened" to win a auction on eBay this afternoon with a Lava Lite Giant..

Now this has to be shipped overseas from the UK to Denmark..

Problems is though that the seller is not sure about how to ship it .. She wants to dump the liquid and ship it without but i dont want that.. I think she is afraid that it will break or something during transport..

Is there any advice i can sent to her about shipping such a big lamp ?

Thanks !

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I've shipped and been shipped Giants/Grandes. I would NOT empty the liquid. I would ship it upright, protection around the globe and base. Bubble wrap (the big kind) is a good idea - at least a few layers. I've even shipped one with the globe sitting on the base, but I paid extra to have it stay upright the whole time. Edge protection helps, too, if it can be obtained. Lots and lots and lots of protection around both items - the base and the globe - is key. 

Any chance she has the original box?

i could hear her about the original box that would be a good solution to sent it in .. Otherwise i will just tell her to use a few miles of bubble wrap around both items :)

I received a Giant recently and the globe banged into the base and dented it pretty badly. Just make sure there's protection between the globe and base, too, if they're not being shipped on top of one another. 

Broken pieces of styrofoam work good too. I have an original box that I can measure for you if she is willing to go find one to match. Then just have her label it fragile and put arrows with "this side up". DONT LET HER DRAIN THE FLUIDS!!! That would be a disaster!!!

how many oz and how tall?

i ship liquid items thorough the mail but i seal them in a 3ml contractor garbage bag.surround  with lot of buble wrap or  chemical foam.  the kind of foam that is formed by using two chemical that form fit aroung the item you are shipping in a large enough box to protect it from damage remember to put plastic in the box before mixing and pouring the chemical into the box so it does not stick to the sides of the box.  seal the lamp in contractor bag and space lamp off the bottom of box with styrofoam block before pouring chemical in the box

hope this helps! make sure to protect the base from the globe base


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