Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Update:  Sold! Thanks Diin and y'all oozing gooers...;)



I'm in the process of refilling a Giant with a goo kit from Louie (Done).

Since I'm using distilled water to work with the new lava kit, I'll have around 180 ounces of the original Lava Lite Giant clear liquid (pictured below) that I won't/don't need.

If there is anyone who might be interested in this liquid for use in original Lava lamps or other projects, let me know.

As of now, the liquid is contained in three 64oz plastic bottles within a 12"x12"x12" box and is ready for shipping. After checking around for "cheap" shipping prices, I found that I can ship most anywhere in the USA (except Alaska and Hawaii) for $20 via UPS Ground.

Just let me know if you're interested...


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-el M

Sounds good. Just let me know.
A white/clear Giant would look awesome. That's the "color" combo I'm did with my Giant, except I used white Louie Goo with distilled water since I didn't have any Lava Lite globes around with white wax.

Pink/White looks great, too.
If fact, is there any liquid color that doesn't look good with white wax...?
...Still available...:)
Still for sale...:)
Seriously? I thought a couple folk really wanted this stuff? I hope the Lava Goddess is watching.
Well, there was some passing interest a while back, but no takers.
I just thought I'd let y'all know it's still available...
Isn't the liquid specific to each year and wax? Could you use the giant liquid on a grande?
Good question. I'd say yes and no...lol.
It's hard to determine exactly when and how the Lava lamp liquid formulas were changed from year to year back in the 90's.
In my personal experience, I've been able to interchange liquid from various "Pre-China" 90's era models (32oz, 52oz, and a 250oz Giant) without any flow problems.
However, I'm guessing you might get more varied results if you tried mixing my older "USA" liquid with the newer lava lamps produced in China. A true experiment, indeed.
...Perhaps others here have had actual experiences in mixing various lava lamp generations' wax and liquid?
I tried using blue liquid from one lamp on a faded purple/pink to make blue/pink and it didn't work. the globes were from the same year. i wonder if you would have better results by selling cups or pints of it instead? using mason jars to ship the liquid. i know i only needed about a cup to top off some of my lamps before i sacrificed a globe or two. just to let you know my grande goo kit took a gallon and a half to fill so you should have about that much.
I'm definitely open to offers and/or suggestions.
Still for sale...:)
i may be interested as well, i have a red/clear bullet lamp that i need liquid for.(see attatchment) i dont know the brand or year though. do you think your liquid would work in my lamp?

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