Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Update:  Sold! Thanks Diin and y'all oozing gooers...;)



I'm in the process of refilling a Giant with a goo kit from Louie (Done).

Since I'm using distilled water to work with the new lava kit, I'll have around 180 ounces of the original Lava Lite Giant clear liquid (pictured below) that I won't/don't need.

If there is anyone who might be interested in this liquid for use in original Lava lamps or other projects, let me know.

As of now, the liquid is contained in three 64oz plastic bottles within a 12"x12"x12" box and is ready for shipping. After checking around for "cheap" shipping prices, I found that I can ship most anywhere in the USA (except Alaska and Hawaii) for $20 via UPS Ground.

Just let me know if you're interested...


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Well, I'm thinking $25 total if it's shipped within the USA.
Shipping would be a bit more if your address is outside the USA.
ah, rats. im up north in canada haha.
ill send you a message with my address so you can get a shipping quote
Thanks Diin. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

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