Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Are there places where one can obtain empty lava lamp 'bottles' and bases? Can you get them in the same shape as the original?

I originally got my collection over the years from garages and whatnot... people often gave them to me. Now, they seem to cost a LOT.

So when you make them, where does one get the parts?

I'd prefer them to look as much like the originals as possible (hopefully that's not a patent/TM violation of some kind.



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Well, JC unfortunately the shape of the LL globe is a patent.  This is why Mathmos cannot sell their lamps in the states which is stupid to me as they were both one in the same company back in the day.  There was a site that had some globes that they somehow had gotten from LL but they are all since gone.  I scout ebay for complete lamps that are decent price even if they are cloudy for goo kitting, but I did get burnt pretty bad on my last score.  They weren't packed right and the bases and hats came all bashed up.  The globes themselves,well, let's just say they were disgusting.  I have pics in my folder of the b4 and after transition.  Also, I have some spencer's lamps that were pretty cheap but the flow was the poor LL china flow so they were dumped and kitted.  Sometimes spencer's will have a sale or their online store will have 52 oz lamps pretty cheap.  The problem with those is the globes have a ton of imperfections in them from wavy glass to lines, scratches, markes and those occlusions that look like pinpoint stars letting light through.  I've also gotten a globe or 2 and a base here and there from fellow collectors that have some spares stuff laying around that are willing to sell.  Other then that there is no one place to buy lamps that are complete but empty for kitting.

Bummer. I've seen a number of the -bases- at yard sales (which always seemed stupid.... until now.)

Hmmm... I wonder if there's a glass blowing opportunity. :D

It just occurred to me... I wonder how hard it would be to find someone to blow a container (no jokes, please) with a clear center -divider-?   Basically 2 26oz containers in one vessel. So I could have a 2 colour lamp.

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