Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Which is older, the starship design with the solid legs or the wire legs?


Does anybody know the exact dates of production for the two models?

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do you mean a wire one like this:
click here!
I think that one is a knockoff. Didn't Lava Lite make two versions?
Lava never made one with wire legs. Those are knockoffs.
So let me see if I understand. Pre-Chinese starships were offered in silver and black versions and Chinese production offered the same silver and black yielding a total of four styles? In addition, there was also a rare blue version? Was the blue one Pre-China?
LavaWorld only made 2 rockets in the US, both 32 ounce, one base was black the other silver. Now they make rockets in China but they are only 20 ounces lamps. The wire legged rocket you show is not a LavaWorld product its a knock off.

I've noticed that there are also models that appear to have no holes in the base or cap. Do you know what the years were for production of the 32 oz. Starship?
Thanks for the info Bohdan. By the way, got that Aladdin cranking right now. Love that lamp. Thanks again for offering it.
One more thing for the discussion. What would you all consider a fair price for a silver one in good condition but without paperwork or a box?
I paid $50 for a silver with a red lava yellow liquid globe in it, I only paid $50 because I wanted the lamp so bad. The lamp was in excellent condition but it did not come with a box or paper work. A few weeks later I paid $20 for 2 midnight starships both with blue liquid yellow lava globes in excellent condition without boxes and documentation. The average ebay price seems to be about $40+shipping so I would say dont pay more than $40 unless you really want the lamp.
i have 2 silver without holes and a black with holes....make a fair offer on any of them....
I personally like the black starships because of the holes. On the blue/yellow lamps you can see yellow lava in the bottom and top but its green in the rest of the globe. Right now I have 2 midnights and 1 silver sitting next to each and they look great. Starships are hard to come by so I suggest you take mandy up on that offer.

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