Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all, I looked at other reports for a few pages and they were different issues, but I apologize if this has been covered. 

Out of my 3 grandes and 5 regular (classic), I have 2-3 regulars that exhibit this problem: the lamp heats up and the wax becomes molten, but it doesn't go anywhere. It mostly just remains at the bottom, with a small amount floating at the top (see image below), and neither goes up or down. 

I know it's molten because I can grab the bulb and tilt it to see the was level out with gravity, liquid-like.

I can see the coil down there. On one or two occasions, I shook it up to see if it somehow revives it (perhaps the coil is in the wrong position? I'm not sure which way is supposed to be up). But it all just falls down to the bottom and becomes a pool of non-moving lava again.

Are there any remedies? Thanks in advance.

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On the condition that you have no air movement around the globe I:e.ceiling fans, HVAC vents, etc.,,
If not, It appears that the wax may have separated.
First off, change the bulb/base, and measure the temp when it is fully hot. (4/5hrs)

It should be at least 125F
If over 150F, it is overheated
IIf it's still doing the same thing at 125F, then try this 
HINT: a TBSP of white kerosene mixed well will help rejoin the wax

If none of this works, you can get a replacement kit Here https://lavalabcreations.com/products/grande-sized-lava-lamp-restor...

If you decide to do all three globes at one time (or need tech help), contact me @lavalabcreations@gmail.com and I will help compose a custom order saving you money and at a 20% discount for you

Thanks Claude, 

My grandes are not misbehaving, it's the 2 or 3 of my 5 regulars. 

The link to the Rejoining Separated Wax is slightly malformed. Here's a corrected link, for posterity.


And thanks for that--I'll do some measuring tonight.


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