Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Would like to know if any one has a Teal/Clear globe they would be willing to part with. The globe will be replacing the one in my blue swirl.

Seperated wax problem with the one I have.




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You can get that wax back together. I've done it. Let me know if you want help. 

a good cleaning of the coil may help your current globe or a smaller wattage bulb like a 25 w.

The Wax is seperated when cold tried the boiling and it did not work.



Did you take almost all the liquid out (leaving just a half inch of liquid behind) and boil the lava back together? That should work. 

I would take the coil out and either replace it or give it a really good cleaning with hot water and dish soap.



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