Does anyone of you have any suggestions about this..
One of my lamps have a non stickable coil and im trying to clean it and putting in back in, but its still not stickable.. Is there a way i can test if the coil is stickable ?
Views: 965
Well im finding it hard to believe that too .. But this is just wierd.. Its a lamp that suddenly just started to not stick to its coil..I tried cleaning it serveral times without any luck.. I then replaced the coil completely and it worked again for around a month, but now its not sticking again.. Its wierd..
sounds like its just overheating regardless of coil, either try 2 coils or try a dimmer with one coil. Let it run cooler then normal.
I dont think it is overheating.. The wax never flows it just seperates from the coil as soon as it begins to heat up.. Even when cold theres only a very small portion of the wax is attached to the coil
Im gonna try cleaning it again with CILIT GANG BANG :D
Should i use a nail brush to rinse it ?
Try a dimmer dude and see I've had stubborn coils do this and its usually caused by the heat. And it did it to a different coil as well?
Yep it did it to the other coil i had too .. When i replaced it there were no problems for a month .. And now it suddenly started again .. But can it still be heat you think, when the wax is not sticking to the coil even when the wax is cold ?
I assume it does get flowing correct? or spikes? anything at all? or does it just instantly melt into a hovering ball of wax? If your lamp does flow some, then stops, a dimmer will allow the wax to still stay in that warming up stage. Which will allow it to continue to flow. Also I've found that adding a extra coil helps stubborn lamps flow better as well.
As it is now it never sticks to the coil cold or warm = Never flowing ..
try 2 coils then, its gonna stick in one of the 2 eventally lol
I dont think theres space for two in this lamp.. Its only a Jet :P
But im beginning to think that was is needed here is the opposite of a 100% clean coil .. You know you clean the inside of the globe so that the wax doesnt stick? Maybe thats what im doing to the coil.. Cleaning it so that the wax doesnt stick.. ?
Theres room for 2 coils in any globe, it doesn't matter if they stack on each other.
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