Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I seriously hope this is in the right place!!!  Ok, so it's Sunday........I've decided to put my big-gal pants on and do my research on doing a re-goo!!!  I have to wait for my check, so I have a little less then a week to research, research and more research!!!!  I'm doing my cloudy 52oz purple china Neon and I'm pretty sure my son will want to do his fried Neon green 52 oz orange.  Now, the ONLY thing I'm not comfortable with is the whole taking off the cap, recapping.  Any tricks, tools?  What if I totally bend, and ruin the original china cap?  Should I order caps?  Do they even sell replacement caps or am I pretty much screwed if I bend up the cap?  Also, once you take those globe caps off, can you really re-use them?  It's like a beer bottle.  How the heck do you get the metal cap to go back on?



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Just pop the top off with a bottle opener....don't worry about keeping jt. Look on Amazon and ebay for bottle caps and capping devices....not expensive and not hard to do.

I posted this in the other thread, but will migrate it here as well!

 If you have a bottle capped lamp, then use a hose clamp like THIS one, and it'll crimp all back exactly how the factory crimped it.  Use a bottle opener to carefully remove the cap of course!  Goodluck, and post lots and lots of pictures! :)

Also, if you mess up the cap at all, just go get a few sodas in glass bottles and steal their caps.

Be Careful with the hose clamp method though I have broken a bottle before when clamping down......the neck collapsed in.
Yeah, it doesn't take much with the hose clamp. Use a really small handled screwdriver so it isn't too easy to put a lot of torque on it. I always just put enough pressure on it to keep the cap on, since that's all you're really trying to do... I'm sure it seals way before that point.

Dang Critter!  Hand tight, not power tools!! ;)

Seriously though, I'm always cautious cause I tend to over tighten and break things.

Critter said:

Be Careful with the hose clamp method though I have broken a bottle before when clamping down......the neck collapsed in.

OK guys, I'm sure that everyone has seen this video on youtube with this guy (I posted link).  He does things a bit different, but he scared me with the use of that Brakealeen stuff saying how lethal and toxic it is.  I have used paint thinner b4 but tend to be sensitive to things like that.  Is this necessary?  The goo kit tutorial doesn't mention the use of this lethal stuff, but recommends you just swirl your surfactant/water mix around in there.  Is soap and water sufficient to clean a globe out with or do you guys recommend something more of a degreaser?  I have an alkaline water machine that makes an 11 alkaline water which can be used as a degreaser and it really works amazing.  I guess I can just as well rinse my globe out with that?  Also, I will be doing this in my kitchen, not outside, lol!!




New lamps don't have perchlorate.  They may not smell pleasant but they shouldn't need biohazard gear.  Goo kits use only distilled water, wax and surfactant, besides coloring.

Oh I have plenty of hose clamps as I own a pretty nice size above ground pool, lol!!  Is it possible to get something on ebay that just screws on since you don't see it with the lamps hat on anyway?  I should have went and looked at recapping things on ebay b4 I asked, lol!!  I'm getting ahead of myself because I'm getting excited now.  I figured I would take the week since I can't order my goo kit until Thursday and then have to wait for it to arrive to start all my research and ask my questions so I can just dive in.  Just asked my son what color he wants his old neon green and he wants blue.  Easy enough since the kit comes with blue dye.  I need to redo mine purple so am going to special order a purple dye pack. 


Also, I have to buy my dimmers. 

If you haven't had any sticking wax in that globe then Dawn dishsoap and water should  be fine.  Rinse very well!

Thank you!!!  This guy had my girlfriend and I skitzed out!!!  lol!!  She was like, OMG Carol, don't be attempting to do that!!  You'll end up blowing yourself up, lol!!!  Like HELLO, i'm not stupid....can't wait to show her the pics when I'm done my project and be like "haaaa, I did it, and i'm still around to show it off"!!  lol!!! 

Ok, I need enough to redo 2 52 oz globes.  Do you think the mini goo kit would be enough?  It says it does up to 125 ounces.  Or do you think that's cutting it a bit close?  Should I just go with the bigger kit?  Do I allow for error?  Cause if I mess up the first time at least with the bigger kit I can redo the 1st do, lol!!!  Since i'm paying shipping I guess it would pay me to get the 29.99 one.  I'm sure if I get good and it and see how clear and nice the regoo looks, i'll wanna do more anyway, lol!!! 

Also, they don't have a purple dye pack per se, it says violet.  Anyone regoo using violet?  If so any tips?  Do I use more dye, less?  What would make it come closer to LL's purple neon if at all?

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