Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone, I know I haven't been here in awhile but, I am going to try to get on more. Part of my coil is not holding to the lava. Am I going to have to uncap it here? It is a 20 oz. Bottle cap lid. If I am going to have to give me some directions on it. Thank you.

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Throw it away, and never buy a 20oz again, go on EBAY and get yourself an American made 32oz and I guarantee it will be worth it and last you forever.
Thank you. There is something strange about it though it doesn't look like a normal coil. It looks thicker than a usual coil
That has already been mentioned numerous times. Have you rang lava world yet for a replacement? You should get a bigger lamp, 32 or 52oz and be done with that dinky lamp. They are all trash. Hell get a hot rocks lamp if you only go to walmart dude. At least they work. $5 bux.
Who said anything about lava world? don't make assumptions.
Bohdan, do you have any spare clear/blue hotrocks I can purchase by chance?
Cool, who makes the Hot Rocks?

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